General Conditions of Sale of Hempel Products and/or Services 产品和/或服务通用销售条款

Click on the relevant link below to download the most up-to-date local version(s) of the “General Conditions of Sale of Hempel Products and/or Services" for the region.

点击下面的相关链接,下载当地最新版本的 "海虹老人产品和/或服务通用销售条款"
If you require a different version of the Hempel General Conditions for another region or country, you can obtain it by visiting the local region/country website for the relevant loca-tion, which can be found under ‘Location’ at the top of each Hempel webpage. If in doubt, please contact your local sales representative who will be able to help guide you to the right place.”

如果您需要另一个国家或地区的不同版本的 "海虹老人产品和/或服务通用销售条款",您可以通过访问相关国家或地区的网站来获得,该网站可以在每个海虹老人网页顶部的 "Location"中找到。如果有疑问,请联系您当地的销售代表,他们将能够帮助指导您找到正确的下载网址"。